Easy Way to Create a SEO Friendly Blog For Beginners in 2022

Easy Way to Create a SEO Friendly Blog For Beginners in 2022. Believe it or not, WordPress is a pretty SEO-friendly Platform From out of the box. If you want to make it more SEO-friendly, you just have to use WordPress plugins like

1. Yoast SEO WordPress SEO Plugin

2. Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin

3. All In One SEO WordPress SEO Plugin

But you already know that. Here’s what no one tells you. The main reason most blogs aren’t SEO-friendly is for two reasons, you can’t solve these issues through plugins. The first reason is you have too much content on the same topic.

See, when you blog, over time, you’ll have writer’s block, or you have forgotten what you’ve written before. That can cause you to write on the same topic over and over again accidentally.

Let’s Take an example, I may have written a post in the past called The Beginners Guide to SEO. And then, one year later, write a post on How to Get Started with SEO. And then, six months later, I may write a post called Seven SEO Tips for Beginners. Although each one of those posts is different in itself, but at times, Google will see them as roughly the same thing, as they are each posts about SEO for beginners. And that can cause confusion with search engines. And Google won’t know which term or which post to more so rank for terms like SEO for beginners.

So, what you’ll want to do is combine the post that are all around similar keywords and put them into one fantastic post. This will increase your overall rankings and confuse search engines less. And the key with this is when you have that issue, go to Google Analytics, see which of the pages is the most popular and combine the other pages into the most popular one. And then do 301 redirects, and make sure you adjust the internal links that have gone to the old post and update them to go to the new post.

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The second reason your WordPress blog isn’t as search-engine-friendly is because your content is old and outdated. Did you know that Wikipedia is the seventh most popular site in the world, according to Similarweb?

Do you know how they pull that off? Well, their content is continually updated. People keep updating Wikipedia on a daily basis. Heck, some of their most popular pages are even also updated on a daily basis. And some content pieces, especially when there’s new news, get updated multiple times within the hour.

It’s super effective. It is seen with most blogs that blog writers only write the content, but they never update them. We find this out with our agency, Digital Drolia. When we talk to clients, 98% of our clients that work with us, before they even started, never update their old content. Now, of course, once they start working with us, we change that, and we start updating their old content. You want to do this at least once a year, ideally more than that.

And this is an easy way to start generating more traffic. And you’re probably wondering, “Drolia, what old posts do I update? Do I need to update them by a lot, a little?” Well, the easiest way to figure out what posts need updating first is to look at Google Search Console, and you can see what pages have dropped in traffic over time.

Those are the ones that need updating first. Now, when you update them, you want to look at what are the other competing web pages and blogs that rank above me for the terms that I lost ranking score. Google them, look at their pages, and see how you can make yours better.

Now, the two above reasons, aren’t hard to fix, they just take time. But the time aspect is why most blogs aren’t SEO-friendly. They prefer a quick plugin to fix their problems. But not all plugins can fix everything, sometimes you just need a little bit of human capital. So put in the time and effort, and your blog will be more SEO-friendly.

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Yogesh Drolia
Yogesh Drolia
Articles: 14

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